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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


Upgrading OneFS

Before upgrading the OneFS cluster, it is recommended to perform preupgrade checks to confirm that your OneFS cluster is ready for an upgrade. These checks scan the current OneFS cluster and operating system for issues and compare the current OneFS version with the new version to ensure that the cluster meets certain criteria, such as configuration compatibility (SMB, LDAP, SmartPools), disk availability, and the absence of critical cluster events. Some preupgrade checks are optional, but it is recommended to perform all preupgrade checks before upgrading.

If upgrading puts the cluster at risk, OneFS warns you, provides information about the risks, and prompts you to confirm whether to continue the upgrade.

There are three options available for upgrading the OneFS cluster: parallel upgrades, rolling upgrades, or simultaneous upgrades.

For more information about how to plan, prepare, and perform an upgrade on your OneFS cluster, see the PowerScale OneFS Upgrade Planning and Process Guide.

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