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PowerScale OneFS API Reference



OneFS includes a configurable SMB service to create and manage SMB shares. SMB shares provide Windows clients network access to file system resources on the cluster. You can grant permissions to users and groups to carry out operations such as reading, writing, and setting access permissions on SMB shares.

SMB shares act as checkpoints, and users must have access to a share in order to access objects in a file system on a share. If the user security mode is enabled, users who connect to a share from an SMB client must provide a valid username with proper credentials. If a user has access that is granted to a file system, but not to the share on which it resides, that user cannot access the file system regardless of privileges. For example, assume a share that is named ABCDocs contains a file that is named file1.txt in a path such as: /ifs/data/ABCDocs/file1.txt. If a user attempting to access file1.txt does not have share privileges on ABCDocs, that user cannot access the file even if originally granted write privileges to the file.

The SMB protocol uses security identifiers (SIDs) for authorization data. All identities are converted to SIDs during retrieval and are converted back to their on-disk representation before they are stored on the cluster.

When a file or directory is created, OneFS checks the access control list (ACL) of its parent directory. If the ACL contains any inheritable access control entries (ACEs), a new ACL is generated from those ACEs. Otherwise, OneFS creates an ACL from the combined file and directory create mask and create mode settings.

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