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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


Quota quotas notification rules resource

Create, modify, delete, or retrieve information about notification rules for a quota.

Operation Method and URI
Retrieve all notification rules for a quota. GET <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/quota/quotas/<QUOTA-ID>/notifications
Retrieve a notification rule for a quota. GET <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/quota/quotas/<QUOTA-ID>/notifications/<notification-id>
Create notification rules for a quota. POST <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/quota/quotas/<QUOTA-ID>/notifications
Create empty override notification rules for a quota. PUT <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/quota/quotas/<QUOTA-ID>/notifications
Modify notification rules for a quota. PUT <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/quota/quotas/<QUOTA-ID>/notifications/<notification-id>
Delete all notification rules for a quota. DELETE <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/quota/quotas/<QUOTA-ID>/notifications
Delete notification rules for a quota. DELETE <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/quota/quotas/<QUOTA-ID>/notifications/<notification-id>
View the detailed JSON schema for this resource, which has information about query parameters and object properties. GET <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/quota/quotas/<QUOTA-ID>/notifications?describe
GET <cluster-ip:port>/platform/14/quota/quotas/<QUOTA-ID>/notifications/<notification-id>?describe

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