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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


HTTP and HTTPS security

OneFS includes a configurable Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) service. Use HTTP to request files that are stored on the cluster and to interact with the web administration interface.

HTTP and HTTPS are disabled by default. To enable them, use the following commands:
isi http settings modify --service=enabled
isi http settings modify --https=true 
NOTE: Set the file and directory permissions to allow HTTP or HTTPS to access them.

OneFS supports both HTTP and its secure variant, HTTPS. Each node in the cluster runs an instance of the Apache HTTP Server to provide HTTP access. You can configure the HTTP service to run in different modes.

Both HTTP and HTTPS are supported for file transfer, but only HTTPS is supported for API calls. The HTTPS-only requirement includes the web administration interface. OneFS supports a form of the web-based DAV (WebDAV) protocol that enables users to modify and manage files on remote web servers. OneFS performs distributed authoring, but does not support versioning and does not perform security checks. You can enable DAV in the web administration interface.

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