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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


Get version information for the namespace access protocol

Retrieves the protocol versions that are supported for the current namespace access server.

Request syntax

GET /namespace/?versions HTTP/1.1
Host <hostname>[:<port>]
Content-Length: <length>
Date: <date>
Authorization: <signature>

Request query parameters

Parameter name Description Default Type Required
versions This parameter is a functional keyword that does not have a value. N/A N/A Yes

Request headers

This call sends common request headers.

Response headers

This call returns common response headers.

Response body

An array of version strings that are supported by the current namespace API server is output in JSON.

Example request

This example retrieves a list of all versions that are supported for the namespace access server.

GET /namespace/?versions HTTP/1.1
Host my_cluster:8080
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMT

Example response

This example shows that the namespace access server supports only version 1.0.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMT
Content-Length: <length>
Connection: close
Server: Apache2/2.2.19

{"versions": ["1.0"]}

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