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PowerScale OneFS API Reference


Clone a file

Clone a file to the destination path. If the parameter is set as a snapshot name, the file is cloned from that snapshot.

Request syntax

PUT /namespace/<access_point>/<file_path>[?<clone>][&<snapshot>][&<overwrite>] HTTP/1.1
x-isi-ifs-copy-source: <source_file_path>
Host <hostname>[:<port>]
Date: <date>
Authorization: <signature>

Request query parameters

Parameter Name Description Default Type Required
clone Set this parameter to true in order to clone a file. False Boolean No
snapshot Specifies a snapshot name to clone the file from. If a snapshot name is not given, a temporary snapshot is created. The temporary snapshot is deleted after the cloning operation is complete. N/A String No
overwrite Specifies if an existing file should be overwritten by a new file with the same name. False Boolean No

Request headers

Header Name Description Default Type Required
x-isi-ifs-copy-source Specifies the full path of the source.

The source and destination paths must be in the same access point.

N/A String Yes

Response headers

This call returns common response headers.

Response body

No response body is returned upon success.

Example request

PUT /namespace/ifs/folder1/myfile?clone=true HTTP/1.1
x-isi-ifs-copy-source: /namespace/ifs/source1/myfile
Host my_cluster:8080
Content-Length : 0
Date: <date>
Authorization: <signature>

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date:  Thu, 21 Mar 2013 14:33:29 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close

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