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Dell Command | Configure Version 4.1.0 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


What’s new in this release

The new features for this release includes:

  • Updated attribute names and possible values.
    • NOTE: To view the complete list of the new and the older names.
    • Go to dell.com/techcenter and search for Dell Command | Configure page using the Search box at the top-right corner of the page.
    • On the Dell Command | Configure page, click Reference list for updated names of attributes and possible values.
  • Support for the following new BIOS attributes:
    • - -BroadcomTruManage, --SecureBootMode, --DustFilter, -BIOSEnumMode, --FanSpdAutoLvlonCpuZone, --FanSpdAutoLvlonPsuZone, --PcieBusAllocation, --TbtPcieModeAutoSwitch and --WakeOnLan2.
    • Support for Thermal Configuration category.
  • Support for WSMT compliance. For more information about WSMT compliance, see Windows SMM Security Mitigations Table (WSMT) Compliance section in theDell Command | Configure Version 4.1.0 User's Guide.


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