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Dell Command | Configure Version 4.1.0 Command Line Interface Reference Guide


-H or --Help

Valid Argument none or < valid option name>
Description Without an argument, this option displays general usage information for the utility. If the argument matches a valid option, the usage information of the option is displayed. If the option has arguments, the arguments are displayed, separated by a | character. If the argument is supported on the system, a + symbol is displayed with the argument. If the option has suboptions, all suboptions, valid arguments, and a description are listed. If the argument does not match a valid option, a usage error is given (and usage information is displayed).
C:\>cctk -H asfmode
asfmode: Sets the asf (alert standard format)mode. DASH and ASF 2.0 set enables LOM to have DASH and ASF 2.0 functionality.
Arguments: off+ | on+ | alertonly+

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