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  • Bestellungen schnell und einfach aufgeben
  • Bestellungen anzeigen und den Versandstatus verfolgen
  • Erstellen Sie eine Liste Ihrer Produkte, auf die Sie jederzeit zugreifen können.
  • Verwalten Sie mit der Unternehmensverwaltung Ihre Dell EMC Seiten, Produkte und produktspezifischen Kontakte.

SupportAssist for Business PCs Administrator Guide

Download update packages


  1. Extract the downloaded catalog file to a folder.
    The following files are extracted:
    • <catalog-name>.xml—the catalog definition file.
    • <catalog-name>.cab—supports signed CAB files when the Cab Creation in Zip feature is enabled.
    • UpdateCatalogs.Maker.exe—the executable file that reads the <catalog name>.xml file and downloads the update packages.
    • README.txt—a deployment instructions file.
  2. Search for Command Prompt and click Run as administrator.
  3. Run the following commands along with UpdateCatalogs.Maker.exe:
    • To view the help information, type -?, -h, or --help and press Enter.
    • To specify the .xml file, type -c or --catalog <catalog_definition_file> and press Enter.
      NOTE:If no catalog file is specified, <catalog name>.xml is searched in the current folder.
    • To specify a target folder for the update packages, type -t or --target <path> and press Enter.
      NOTE:If a target folder is not specified, the location of the UpdateCatalogs.Maker.exe is chosen by default.
    • The default baseLocation is https://downloads.dell.com. To define a new baseLocation, type -b or --baseLocation <path> and press Enter.
    • To perform a force-download if a software component installer exists and the download was ignored, type -f and press Enter.
    • To combine the .xml files from two or more downloaded catalogs, type -o or --combine <combineXml.xml> and press Enter.

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