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Inspiron 7306 2-in-1 Black Setup and Specifications

Configuring tail button in Pen & Windows Ink

  1. Click once
    When the tail button is clicked once, the screen snipping is enabled by default. Then place the tip of the Active Pen on the screen and draw the selection area that you want to snip.
    NOTE You can also configure to open other applications like Windows Ink Workspace, OneNote, Launch a classic app or Launch a universal app on a single click of the tail button.
  2. Double-click
    When the tail button is clicked twice, the screen snipping is enabled and once the snip is completed, it launches Snip & Sketch application for editing.
    NOTE You can also configure to open other applications like Windows Ink Workspace, OneNote, Launch a classic app or Launch a universal app, along with home, Microsoft Whiteboard, Sticky Notes and Snip & Sketch to edit the snipped images on double-click of the tail button.
  3. Press and hold
    Long pressing of the tail button opens sticky notes by default.
    NOTE You can also configure to open other applications like Windows Ink Workspace, OneNote, Launch a classic app or Launch a universal app, along with home, Microsoft Whiteboard, Sticky Notes and Snip & Sketch on double-click of the tail button.

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