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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Troubleshooting migration failure

About this task

A migration failed message is displayed on Data Assistant if an unexpected error occurs when Data Assistant is running.
Figure 1. Migration failed after pairing
Migration failed after pairing


  1. On the old PC, click Try Again to retry the migration process. On the new PC, click Migrate Again or restart the migration again from the Home page.
  2. If you continue to face issues, close Data Assistant on the old PC and SupportAssist on the new PC, and restart both the old and the new PCs. Relaunch both Data Assistant and SupportAssist, and ensure that the following prechecks are validated before retrying the migration process. For more information about migration, see Migrate and erase data from old PC.
    • You must be signed in as an administrator on both the old and the new PCs.
    • Both the old and the new PCs must be connected to the same local network.
    • Both the old and the new PCs must be connected to a power outlet to ensure that there is no disruption due to insufficient power supply.
  3. If you still continue to face issues with the migration, contact the Dell Technical support.

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