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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Prerequisites for resetting Windows 8.1

You can reset for Windows 8.1 Home and Pro.

NOTE: If you have upgraded Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, Windows reverts to Windows 8 after reset. You have to manually upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1.
  • Ensure that you back up all important data, and close all applications before proceeding with Windows reset. Also, ensure that you have disconnected all external media, such as USB drive, external hard disk, and so on, except for recovery media if applicable.
  • Ensure that your PC is connected to a power outlet before proceeding with reset. If the system shuts down during reset, your system might end up in an unusable state.
  • Ensure that your system supports Windows reset.
  • Ensure that you have either a recovery media, such as USB drive or DVD, or a recovery partition on your system.

Computer manufacturers (OEMs) usually ship systems with recovery partitions. Perform the following steps to check if your system has recovery partitions:

  1. Press Windows + R key to open Run.
  2. Enter diskmgmt.msc and press Enter.

    Disk Management is displayed.

  3. Verify that the system contains a recovery partition.
    Figure 1. Checking partition in Disk Management
    Checking partition in Disk Management

If your OEM has provided you with a recovery media, such as USB drive or DVD, connect the media before proceeding. Perform the following steps to check if your system has recovery media:

  1. Press Windows + R key to open Run.
  2. Enter diskmgmt.msc, and press Enter.

    Disk Management is displayed.

  3. Verify that the system contains a recovery media.
    Figure 2. Primary partition displayed in Disk Management
    Primary partition displayed in Disk Management

If you are unable to find the Recovery partition, and you do not have any recovery media, contact your device manufacturer for more information.

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