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Dell Migrate User's Guide

Applications to close before migrating

If certain applications are open in the background, Migrate does not proceed. You must close the applications to proceed with the migration process. You can either click Close Applications in Migrate to automatically close all the mentioned applications, or you can manually save any work in progress and manually close all the applications that are open.

List of applications

Close all the applications that run on port 28283 for Migrate to function.

NOTE: If any application running on both the old and the new PCs is using port 28283, then the two PCs do not to pair, and the migration process does not proceed.

Close the following applications after pairing both the old and the new PCs:

  • Browser applications:
    • Google Chrome
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Internet Explorer
    NOTE: These browser applications must be closed if you have opted to migrate browser bookmarks.
  • Settings-related applications:
    • System Settings
    • Registry Editor
    • Control Panel
    Figure 1. Close applications page on your old PC
    Close applications page on your old PC
    Figure 2. Close applications page on your new PC
    De Close applications page on your new PC
    NOTE: If you have opted to migrate the user account settings, migration cannot continue unless those applications are closed. If any of those applications are opened during the migration, Migrate cannot guarantee the success of the migration.

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