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Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.4 Reference Guide



Table 1. TPMSecurityTPMSecurity
Attribute Name Description
PpibypassSedBlockSidCommand When there is no drive ownership and the PpibypassSedBlockSidCommand is enabled, the BIOS requires user input while sending the Block SID authentication command to SED drives. When PpibypassSedBlockSidCommand is disabled, BIOS does not require user input while sending the Block SID command. The following are the possible values:
  • Disabled
  • Enabled
    NOTE: You can enable PpibypassSedBlockSidCommand in manufacturing mode or while setting up the BIOS Setup Administrator password.
    NOTE: The read-only mechanism can be changed when the system is in manufacturing mode, while the PpibypassSedBlockSidCommand is enabled.
SHA256 Sets the hash algorithm used for TPM 2.0 measurements. The following are the possible values:
  • Disabled—Sets hash algorithm to SHA-1.
  • Enabled—Sets hash algorithm to SHA-256.
  • SHA384—Sets hash algorithm to SHA-384.
  • SHA512—Sets hash algorithm to SHA-512.
NOTE: This value cannot be changed if TPM is already owned.
TpmActivation Activates and enables the TPM normal state for TPM use. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled—Activates the TPM.
  • Disabled—Displays the current activation state of TPM.
NOTE: Deactivate is a read-only possible value. TPM can be deactivated only from the BIOS setup screen.
NOTE: Make sure admin password is set before enabling TpmActivation (on specific platforms).
TpmClear When you enable the TpmClear attribute, TPM ownership is cleared during the next boot, and the system firmware sets the value of the attribute to disabled. When you disable the TpmClear attribute, TPM ownership remains unchanged. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
NOTE: You cannot enable or disable this feature using Dell Command | Configure.
TpmPpiAcpi Controls whether the system accept ACPI physical presence commands from the OS.
  • Enabled—System accepts ACPI physical presence commands from the OS.
  • Disabled—System does not accept ACPI physical presence commands from the OS.
Tpmppiclearoverride When enabled tpmppiclearoverride performing the TPM clear command within operating system does not require user interaction. When disabled, performing the TPM clear command within the operating system does require user interaction.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
    NOTE: You can enable Tpmppiclearoverride in manufacturing mode or while setting up the BIOS Setup Administrator password.
TpmPpiDpo Controls the physical presence requirement for the following operations: Disable, Deactivate, and SetOwnerInstall_False. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
TpmPpiPo Controls the physical presence requirement for the following operations: Enable, Activate, and SetOwnerInstall_True. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled—Physical presence is not required to perform any of these operations.
  • Disabled—Physical presence is required to perform these operations.
TpmSecurity Controls whether the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) in the system is enabled and visible to the operating system. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled—BIOS turns on the TPM during POST, and can be used by the operating system.
  • Disabled—BIOS does not on the TPM during POST, and the TPM is nonfunctional and invisible to the operating system.
NOTE: Disabling this option does not change any TPM settings that you may have configured nor does it delete or change any information or keys you may have stored there. It simply turns off the TPM so that it cannot be used. When you re-enable this option, TPM works exactly as it did before it was disabled.

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