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  • Zobrazit objednávky a sledovat stav expedice
  • Vytvořte a přistupujte k seznamu svých produktů
  • Spravujte své profily, produkty a kontakty na úrovni produktů na stránkách Dell EMC pomocí správy společnosti.

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.4 Reference Guide



Table 1. SystemLogsSystemLogs
Attribute Name Description
BiosLogClear Prevents or allows the system event log to be cleared on the next boot. The following are the possible values:
  • Keep—Does not clear the system event log on the next boot.
  • Clear—Clears the system event log on the next boot.
PowerLogClear Prevents or allows the power event log to be cleared on the next boot. The following are the possible values:
  • Keep—Does not clear the power event log on the next boot.
  • Clear—Clears the power event log on the next boot.
ThermalLogClear Prevents or allows the thermal event log to be cleared on the next boot. The following are the possible values:
  • Keep—Does not clear the thermal event log on the next boot.
  • Clear—Clears the thermal event log on the next boot.

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