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  • Zobrazit objednávky a sledovat stav expedice
  • Vytvořte a přistupujte k seznamu svých produktů
  • Spravujte své profily, produkty a kontakty na úrovni produktů na stránkách Dell EMC pomocí správy společnosti.

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.4 Reference Guide



Table 1. SystemInformationSystemInformation
Attribute Name Description
Asset An asset tag is a string that can be used by an IT administrator to uniquely identify a particular system. Possible values: String containing 0 to 14 characters.
BIOSVersion Displays the current version of the system BIOS firmware. Possible values: Read-only
ExpressServiceCode The express service code is a mathematical hash applied to the service tag. The express service code is seen in BIOS Setup and on an exterior sticker. Possible values: Read-only
ManufatureDate Displays the system manufacture date (mm/dd/yyyy). Possible values: Read-only
OwnershipTag The ownership tag is a string that can be used to display a system-specific message on the BIOS start-up and setup screens. Possible values: String containing 0 to 80 characters
OwnershipDate Displays the date (mm/dd/yyyy) the system was first powered on after leaving the factory. Possible values: Read-only
SvcTag The service tag is the system’s serial number that uniquely identifies the Dell system. Possible values: Read-only

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