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Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.4 Reference Guide



Table 1. AdvancedBootOptionsAdvancedBootOptions category
Attribute Name Description
AttemptLegacyBoot Determines if BIOS should attempt to boot from the legacy boot list when the UEFI boot list fails. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled—If the UEFI boot list fails, then BIOS attempts to boot from the Legacy boot list.
  • Disabled—BIOS discontinues the booting process if the UEFI boot list fails.
LegacyOrom If enabled, allows legacy option ROMs to load. Without this option, only UEFI option ROMs loads. This option is required for Legacy boot mode. This mode cannot be enabled with Secure Boot. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
UefiBootPathSecurity Determines whether the system should prompt the user to enter the Admin password, if set, while booting from a UEFI boot path from the F12 Boot Menu. The following are the possible values:
  • AlwaysExceptInternalHdd—All UEFI boot paths require the user to enter the Admin password, except for the boot paths that are hosted on an internal hard disk drives.
  • Always—Booting from any UEFI boot path requires the user to enter the Admin password.
  • Never—The Admin password is not required for booting from UEFI boot paths.
  • AlwaysExceptInternalHddPxe—All UEFI boot paths require the Admin password, except for boot paths hosted on internal hard disk drives or PXE Boot.

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