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Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.4 Reference Guide



Table 1. PowerManagementPowerManagement
Attribute Name Description
AcPwrRcvry Controls the system's behavior when AC power is restored after AC power has been lost. The following are the possible values:
  • Off—System stays off after AC power is restored.
  • On—System powers on after AC power is restored.
  • Last—System returns to the previous state after AC power recovery.
AdvancedBatteryChargeConfiguration Configures the days settings based on BeginningOfDay and workperiod. Advanced Battery charge mode uses standard charging algorithm and other methods during working hours to maximize battery health. During working hours, express charge is used to charge the batteries faster. You can configure the days and the work period during which the battery has to be charged. To enable advanced battery charging, provide the day. The following are the possible values:
  • BeginningOfDay—To configure the AdvanceBatteryCharge start time in 24 hours format. The value of hour must be in the range 0–23 and minute must be 0, 15, 30, or 45.
  • Workperiod—To configure the duration of charging.
AdvBatteryChargeCfg Enables or disables the Advanced Battery Charge configuration. During working hours, with the Advanced Battery Charge configuration, the batteries can be charged faster using ExpressCharge. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
AutoOn Configures the days when the system has to turn on automatically at the time specified in AutoOnHr and AutoOnMn. This function can turn on the system either every day, on weekdays, or on selected days. If AutoOnHr is set to 23, and AutoOnTime is set to 53, then setting AutoOntime to Weekdays turns on the system automatically on weekdays (Monday to Friday) at 11:53 p.m.. To turn on the system on particular days, set AutoOnTime as Select Days, and then enable or disable individual days by setting AutoOnSun -enabled, AutoOnMon -disabled, etc. The following are the possible values:
  • Disabled
  • EveryDay
  • SelectDays
  • Weekdays
AutoOnHr Configures the hour when the system has to turn on automatically. Provide the value ranging from 0 to 23. To set the time 11:59 p.m., provide the value as 23. The following are the possible values: Integers ranging from 0 to 23.
AutoOnMn Configures the minute when the system has to turn on automatically. Provide the value ranging from 0 to 59. To set the time 11:59 p.m., provide the value as 59. The following are the possible values: Integers ranging from 0 to 59.
AutoOnSun Enables or disables the AutoOn functionality at the specified time on Sundays. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
AutoOnMon Enables or disables the AutoOn functionality at the specified time on Mondays. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
AutoOnTue Enables or disables the AutoOn functionality at the specified time on Tuesdays. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
AutoOnWed Enables or disables the AutoOn functionality at the specified time on Wednesdays. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
AutoOnThur Enables or disables the AutoOn functionality at the specified time on Thursdays. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
AutoOnFri Enables or disables the AutoOn functionality at the specified time on Fridays. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
AutoOnSat Enables or disables the AutoOn functionality at the specified time on Saturdays. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
AutoWakePeriod Defines the time in minutes after which the system should automatically wake up from Standby, Hibernate, or Switched off mode. The following are the possible values: integers ranging from 0 to 254.
NOTE: The system wakes up from Sleep, Hibernate, or Switched off mode only if the AutoOn option is enabled for everyday of the week.
BlinkPowerSupply1LED Normally, the status LEDs on the back of the Power Supply Unit (PSU) displays solid green color. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled—The first power supply (PSU 1) status LED blinks for few seconds.
NOTE: There is no need for disabling the LEDs manually. When the Embedded Controller (EC) gives the control back to PSU, the LED turns off automatically.
BlinkPowerSupply2LED Normally, the status LEDs on the back of the Power Supply Unit (PSU) displays solid green color. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled—The second power supply (PSU 2) status LED blinks for few seconds.
NOTE: There is no need for disabling the LEDs manually. When the Embedded Controller (EC) gives the control back to PSU, the LED turns off automatically.
BlockSleep Blocks the system entering sleep (S3 state) mode in an OS environment. If enabled, the system does not go into sleep mode, Intel Rapid Start is disabled automatically, and OS Power option is blank if it was set to Sleep earlier. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
CustomChargeStart Sets the percentage value ranging from 50 to 95 at which custom battery charging should start. The following are the possible values: Integers ranging from 50 to 95.
NOTE: Primary Battery Custom Charge Start percent must be less than the Primary Battery Custom Charge End percent and the minimum difference between the two must be 5 percent.
CustomChargeStop Sets the percentage value ranging from 55 to 100 at which the custom battery charging should stop. The following are the possible values: Integers ranging from 55 to 100.
NOTE: Primary Battery Custom Charge Start percentage must be less than the Primary Battery Custom Charge End percent and the minimum difference between the two must be 5 percent.
DeepSleepCtrl Controls when Deep Sleep is enabled. The following are the possible values:
  • Disabled
  • S5Only
  • S4AndS5
DockBatteryChargeConfiguration Configures the dock battery charge mode. The following are the possible values:
  • Standard—Charges the battery over a long period of time.
  • Express—Charges the battery in Express Charge mode using Dell's fast charging technology.
FanCtrlOvrd Runs the system fan at full speed. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
FanSpeed Sets the speed of the fan to Auto, High, Medium, Low, Medium High, or Medium Low. When set to Auto, the system run time automatically sets the speed. The following are the possible values:
  • Auto
  • High
  • Med
  • Low
  • MedHigh
  • MedLow
FanSpeed Sets the speed of the fan to Auto, High, Medium, Low, Medium High, or Medium Low. When set to Auto, the system run time automatically sets the speed. The following are the possible values:
  • Auto
  • High
  • Med
  • Low
  • MedHigh
  • MedLow
FanSpeedLvl Configures the fan speed control if the fan speed is set to Auto using FanSpeed attribute. 0 sets the fan speed to the optimal speed level, and a higher percentage provides enhanced cooling. The following are the possible values: Integers ranging from 0 to 100.
IntelReadyModeEn This option enables or disables Intel Ready Mode Technology (iRMT). The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
IntlSmartConnect Intel Smart Connect Technology (ISCT) identifies the nearby wireless connections while system is in a sleeping state. SmartConnect Synchronizes email or social media applications that were open when the system entered the sleep state. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
LidSwitch Enables or disables the lid switch functions. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled—OS setting determines the display behavior when lid is closed.
  • Disabled—Display will not be affected when lid is closed.
ModBattChargeCfg Configures the module bay battery charge mode. The following are the possible values:
  • Standard—Charges the battery at a standard rate.
  • Express—Charges the battery faster using the express charging algorithm, Dell's fast charging technology
PeakShiftBatteryThreshold Sets the value of the Peak Shift battery threshold. The acceptable value range is from 15 to 100 percent. When the Peak Shift battery threshold level is reached, the system starts using AC power. The following are the possible values: Integers ranging from 15 to 100.
PeakShiftCfg Enables or disables Peak Shift configuration. Using Peak Shift, you can minimize the consumption of AC power during the peak power usage period of the day. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
PeakShiftDayConfiguration Configures the days settings based on StartTime, EndTime, and ChargeStartTime. Using Peak Shift configuration, you can minimize the consumption of AC power during the peak power usage period of the day. You can set a start and end times for the Peak Shift period. During this period, the system runs on battery if the battery charge is preceding the set battery threshold value. After the Peak Shift period, the system runs on AC power without charging the battery. The system functions normally using AC power and recharging the battery after the specified ChargeStartTime. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
PowerOnLidOpen Set the PowerOnLidOpen feature. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled—If the feature is set to enabled, the system powers up from the off state whenever the lid is opened. This system powers on when powered either by the AC adapter or the system battery.
  • Disabled—If the feature is set to disabled, the system does not power up from the off state whenever the lid is opened.
PowerUsageMode Sets the system power usage modes. The following are the possible values:
  • PowerSaver—This mode reduces processor sustained power to enhance battery life depending on the use case. This mode may impact system performance.
  • Balanced—This mode balances performance, noise, temperature, and battery life. The default option is set to Balanced Mode.
  • Performance—This mode uses the processor's typical power and utilizes discrete graphics.
  • HighPerformance—This mode increases processor sustained power to produce higher system performance, but produces more noise, increases system surface temperature, and reduces the battery life.
PrimaryBattChargeCfg Configures the primary battery charge mode. The selected charging mode applies to all batteries installed in the system. The following are the possible values:
  • Adaptive—Battery settings are adoptively optimized based on your typical battery usage pattern.
  • Standard—Charges the battery at a standard rate.
  • Express—Charges the battery faster using the express charging algorithm, Dell's fast charging technology.
  • PrimAcUse—Charges the battery while plugged in, a mode preferred by the users who operate their systems while plugged in to an external power source.
  • Custom—The battery charging starts and stops based on user settings specified in Primary Battery Custom Charge Start and Primary Battery Custom Charge End.
SfpwakeOnLan Enables the system to power on by a special LAN signal, or by a special SFP signal. The following are the possible values:
  • SFP—Allows the system to be powered on by special SFP signals.
  • LANSFP—Allows the system to be powered on by either by LAN, or by SFP signals.
  • SFPPXE—Allows the system to be powered on by SFP signals, and immediately boot to PXE.
NOTE: This feature works only if the system is connected to AC power.
SleepMode Determines which sleep mode to be used by the operating system.
NOTE: The BIOS can only support either Modern Standby sleep mode (connected or disconnected), or S3 sleep mode.
The following are the possible values:
  • OSAutoSelection—Allows the operating system to select the appropriate sleep mode automatically.
  • ForceS3—Forces the operating system to use the S3 sleep mode only.
SliceBattChargeCfg Configures the battery slice charging feature. The following are the possible values:
  • Standard—The battery is charged over a long period of time.
  • Express—Charges the battery in Express Charge mode using the express charging algorithm, Dell's fast charging technology.
  • PrimAcUse—Recommended setting for a user who primarily operates battery while plugged in.
  • Adaptive—Charges the battery in Express Charge mode using the express charging algorithm, Dell's fast charging technology.
  • Custom—Charges the battery in Express Charge mode using the express charging algorithm, Dell's fast charging technology.
Speedshift Enables or disables the Intel Speed Shift Technology support. Setting this option to Enabled allows the operating system to select the appropriate processor performance automatically. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
ThermalManagement ThermalManagement cools the fan and the processor to improve the system performance by reducing noise and temperature. The following are the possible values:
  • Optimized
  • Cool
  • Quiet
  • UltraPerformance
TypeCPower Configures the maximum power for type-C connector. The following are the possible values:
  • 7.5W
  • 15W
UsbWake Enables USB devices to wake the system from Standby.
NOTE: This feature is functional only when the AC power adapter is connected.
The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
WakeOnAc Controls the system's behavior when AC power is restored after AC power was lost. The following are the possible values:
  • Disabled—System stays off after AC power is restored.
  • Enabled—System powers on after AC power is restored.
WakeOnDock Enables or disables waking the system when a docking connection is made. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
WakeOnLan Configures the wake-on-LAN feature. The following are the possible values:
  • LanOnly—The system wake-on-LAN feature is enabled; either an onboard or an add-in NIC can wake the system up.
  • Disabled—Does not allow the system to power on when it receives a wakeup signal from the LAN or wireless LAN.
  • AddInCard—Enables NICs, plugged into the power connector, as the source of any wake-on-LAN signal.
  • WlanOnly—Allows the system to be powered on by special WLAN signal.
  • LanWlan—Allows the system to be powered on by special LAN or wireless LAN signal.
  • AddInCard—Allows the system to be powered on by NICs plugged into the special power connector.
  • Onboard—Allows the system to be powered on by Onboard NIC.
  • LanWithPxeBoot—Enables the network controller and wakes up the system to boot the PXE when a wake packet is sent to the system in the S4 or S5 state.
  • SfpNic—Allows the system to wake-up by certain SFP signals.
  • LanOrSfpNic—Allows the system to wake-up either by LAN, or by SFP signals.
  • SfpNicWithPxeBoot—Allows the system to wake-up by SFP signals, and immediately boot to PXE.
WakeOnLan2 Defines the wake-on-LAN2 feature.
  • LanOnly—The system wake-on-LAN feature is enabled; either an onboard or an add-in NIC can wake up the system.
  • Disabled—The system does not respond to magic packets or other means of wake-on-LAN. The NIC chip section that looks for packets will not be powered.
  • LanWithPxeBoot—Enables the network controller and causes the system to wake up and immediately boot to PXE when a wake packet is sent to the system in the S4 or S5 state.
WlanAutoSense Enables or disables the WLAN radio when the system is connected to a wired network. When disconnected from the wired network, WLAN radio is re-enabled. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
WwanAutoSense Enables or disables the WWAN radio when the system is connected to a wired network. When disconnected from the wired network, WWAN radio is re-enabled. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled

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