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Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.4 Reference Guide



Table 1. ManageabilityManageability
Attribute Description
AmtCap Set the intel active management technology (AMT) capability. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled—If Intel Active Management Technology is enabled, MEBx is available through the F12 menu and you can provision AMT. MEBx may not be not accessible if OROM Keyboard Access is disabled.
  • Disabled—If Intel Active Management Technology is disabled, MEBx is not available in pre-boot. Once disabled, Intel Active Management Technology can only be enabled through the BIOS interface. If the Intel AMT is already provisioned, AMT cannot be disabled. Un-provisioning AMT is required to disable AMT.
  • Restrict MEBx Access—If Intel Active Management Technology is enabled, MEBx is not available in pre-boot, but you can provision AMT from the operating systems.
PostMebxKey MEBx stands for Intel Management Engine BIOS Extension. Enables or disables the MEBx hotkey function when the system boots. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
UsbProvision Enables or disables provisioning of Intel AMT from a USB storage device. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled—Intel AMT can be provisioned using the local provisioning file via a USB storage device.
  • Disabled—Provisioning of Intel AMT from a USB storage device is blocked.

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