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Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.4 Reference Guide



Table 1. MaintenanceMaintenance
Attribute Name Description
AllowBIOSDowngrade Allows or restricts downgrading of the system BIOS.
NOTE: You cannot enable the Allow BIOS Downgrade feature using the Dell Command | PowerShell Provider.
NOTE: One of the methods of enabling the Allow BIOS Downgrade feature is from the BIOS setup screen.
The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled—Allows the system to downgrade the system BIOS.
  • Disabled—Restricts the system to downgrade the system BIOS.
NOTE: The read-only mechanism is not displayed at option level, while the AllowBIOSDowngrade is enabled.
BiosAutoRcvr Enables or disables BIOS auto recovery feature. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled—If BIOS corruption is detected, the system automatically recovers BIOS without any user interaction.
  • Disabled—Disables BIOS auto recovery feature.
NOTE: You can enable this option only if BiosRcvrFrmHdd option is enabled.
BiosIntegrityCheck Enables or disables the BIOS integrity check during the booting process. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled—BIOS checks the BIOS image integrity during every booting process.
  • Disabled—BIOS checks the BIOS image integrity only if the previous booting process did not complete.
NOTE: BIOS checks the BIOS image integrity only if the BiosAutoRcvr option is enabled.
BiosRcvrFrmHdd Enables or disables the system BIOS Recovery option. This feature saves a recovery image to a primary hard disk drive storage, or to an external USB, and uses this recovery image to recover the BIOS image when system BIOS fails. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled—BIOS stores the recovery image on a primary hard disk drive storage. So the BIOS recovery image is available both from the primary hard disk drive permanent storage and via an external USB.
  • Disabled—BIOS does not store the recovery image on primary hard disk drive storage. So the BIOS recovery image is available only via an external USB.
MicrocodeUpdateSupport This feature enables or disables the microcode updates either from the flash update utility or the operating system. The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Serr Enables or disables the SERR on the DRAM controller and the PEG controller in the north bridge. The following are the possible values:
  • Disabled—Disable the SERR DMI messaging mechanism.
  • Enabled—Allows SERR messages to be generated.

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