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Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.4 Reference Guide



Table 1. Keyboard Keyboard
Attribute Description
DeviceHotkeyAccess DeviceHotkeyAccess manages whether you can access device configuration screen through hotkeys during system reboot. This setting prevents the access to Intel® RAID (CTRL+I), LSI RAID (CTRL+C), or Intel Management Engine BIOS Extension (CTRL+P/F12).The following are the possible values:
  • Enabled— Enabling device configuration hotkey allows you to access the device configuration screen by pressing the hotkeys during the system reboot.
  • One time enable— You can access the device configuration screen by using hotkeys after a successful reboot. On the next system reboot, the setting reverts back to a disabled state.
  • Disabled— You cannot access the device configuration screen using hotkeys.

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