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Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.4 Reference Guide


Error reporting in Dell Command | PowerShell Provider 2.4

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider provides an Error Reporting feature. Dell Command | PowerShell Provider uses the PowerShell ErrorVariable parameter to capture the ErrorRecord. This ErrorVariable can be used to get more information such as exception, error id, error category, and recommended action, and so on, about an error.

NOTE: If the system does not have a WMI-ACPI compliant BIOS. Update the BIOS with a compatible version, if available.
Example: To set the error variable.
gi .\POSTBehavior\numl -ErrorVariable ev 
Example: To see more information about the error.

The table below describes all the possible Error IDs generated by Dell Command | PowerShell Provider that are categorized by error categories.

Table 1. Error reporting in Dell Command | PowerShell ProviderError reporting in Dell Command | PowerShell Provider
Error Category Error ID Scenarios Example
InvalidArgument InvalidPath Path is not complete while doing set operation. NA
PasswordProvidedIncorrecly Trying to provide both plain text password and secure password. NA
NullDrive Newly created drive is null or Trying to remove drive which is already null. NA
NoRoot Drive root is empty or null. NA
InvalidData InvalidPossibleValue Using set-item cmdlet for an attribute with Invalid possible value.
si .\POSTBehavior\Numlock “on” 
NumberNotInRange Doing set operation by giving out of range integer value for an attribute which accepts integer value in a particular range.
si .\PowerManagement\AutoOnHr “54” 
si .\PowerManagement\AutoOnMn “67” 
si .\PeakShiftBatteryThreshold “13” 
ReadOnlyValue Trying to set read-only value for chassis intrusion status.
si .\Security\ChassisIntrusionStatus "DoorClosed" 
SetNotAllowed Set operation is not enabled using Dell Command | PowerShell Provider but enabled using BIOS Setup Menu.
si .\Security\MasterPasswordLockout "Disabled" 
NotValidNumber Doing set operation by giving noninteger value for an attribute accepts integer value.
si .\PowerManagement\AutoOnHr “on” 
si .\PowerManagement\AutoOnMn “43.67” 
StringLengthNotInRange Doing set operation by giving string which has out of range length for an attribute which accepts a string having length within a range.
si .\SystemInformation\Asset “thisismorethan10characters” 
InvalidTimeFormat Doing set operation by giving invalid time format.
si .\PeakShiftDayConfiguration Sunday -StartTime "34:34" 
InvalidPrimaryBatteryCustomChargeDifference Not keeping the minimum difference between CustomChargeStart and CustomChargeStop.
si .\PowerManagement\CustomChargeStart “55” 
si \PowerManagement\CustomChargeStop “58” 
NewPasswordNotInRange Trying to set a password that is not in supported range by system.
si .\Security\AdminPassword “12” 
si .\Security\SystemPassword “del” 
InvalidPeakShiftTimes Not maintaining the time dependency between PeakShift StartTime, EndTime, and ChargeStartTime.
si .\PowerManagement\PeakShiftDayConfiguration Sunday -StartTime "14:30" -EndTime “12:30” -ChargeStartTime “14:45” 
InvalidDayOfWeek Providing invalid day.
si .\PowerManagement\PeakShiftDayConfiguration Sun -StartTime "14:30" -EndTime “12:30” -ChargeStartTime “14:45” 
InCorrectBootOrder Trying to provide duplicate boot device number.
si .\BootSequence\BootSequence “1,2,1” 
UnsupportedColorName Trying to set unsupported color for KeyboardBacklightEnabledColors or KeyboardBacklightActiveColor.
si .\SystemConfiguration\KeyboardBacklightEnabledColors “Red,White,Purple” 
NotPrintableChar Trying to configure non-ascii character for string based features.
si .\SystemInformation\Asset "XY的Z" 
InvalidCombinationOfNoColorAndSupportedColors Trying to set colors for KeyboardBacklightEnabledColors with NoColor Value.
si .\SystemConfiguration\KeyboardBacklightEnabledColros “Red,White,Custom1,NoColor” 
DuplicateColorName Trying to provide same color more than once for KeyboardBacklightEnabledColors.
si .\SystemConfiguration\KeyboardBacklightEnabledColros “Red,White,Custom1,Custom1” 
OnlyOneColorAllowedForActiveColor Trying to set multiple colors for KeyboardBacklightActiveColor.
si .\SystemConfiguration\KeyboardBacklightActiveColor “Red, White” 
InvalidRGBFormat Trying to provide RGB values in an incorrect format for KeyboardBacklightCustom1Color or KeyboardBacklightCustom2Color.
si .\SystemConfiguration\KeyboardBacklightCustom1Color “234:34” 
NotValidNumberForRGB Trying to provide invalid number for R, G or B components for KeyboardBacklightCustom1Color or KeyboardBacklightCustom2Color.
si .\SystemConfiguration\KeyboardBacklightCustom1Color “234:34:567”
InvalidOperation SetItemForReadOnlyError Attempt to set read-only attribute.
si .\SystemInformation\ExpressServiceCode dsdasfjskfjskfskjd 
si .\SystemInformation\SvcTag sdwadnakjsd 
NewDriveNotSupported If newly created drive name is not equal to DellSmbios. NA
ObjectNotFound DellSmbiosPathNotFound Path is correct but either attribute name or category name is wrong or category does not have any supported attribute for local system and trying to get or set some attributes.
dir .\PowerManagement\ 
gi .\PowerManagement\Numlck 
si .\PowerManagement\Numlck “enabled” 
si .\POSTBehaviord\Numlock “enabled” 
OpenError DefaultDriveInitFailed DellSMBIOS Drive creation fails in system. NA
SecurityError PasswordSetButNotProvided Doing set operation for any attribute without providing password if set on your system.
si .\POSTBehavior\Numlock “enabled” 
FailedToSetAdminPassword Trying to set admin password if system and/or HDD password is already set.
si .\Security\AdminPassword “12345” 
SecureBootEnabledOrLegacyOromDisabled Trying to Configure BootList as Legacy
si .\BootConfiguration\BootList "Legacy" 
WriteError SMBIOSWriteFailed Provided incorrect password while doing set operation if password is already set.
si .\POSTBehavior\numlock “enabled” –Password <wrong password> 

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