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Dell Command | PowerShell Provider Version 2.4 Reference Guide


Attributes supported in Dell Command | PowerShell Provider 2.4

The following are categories in Dell Command PowerShell Provider and contains BIOS attributes.

Table 1. Attributes supported in Dell Command | PowerShell ProviderAttributes supported in Dell Command | PowerShell Provider.
Category Name Description
AdvancedBootOptions Displays the attributes to configure advanced boot settings.
AdvancedConfigurations Displays the attributes to configure various advanced settings.
BatteryInformation Displays information about each battery with the percent charged information.
BIOSSetupAdvancedMode Displays the attributes to configure various BIOS setups advanced mode settings.
BootSequence Displays the attributes to configure the system boot settings.
Intel Software Guard Extensions Displays the attributes to configure Intel Software Guard Extensions settings.
Manageability Displays the attributes to configure various manageability settings.
Maintenance Displays the attributes to configure maintenance-related settings.
MemoryInformation Displays noneditable information about memory.
MiscellaneousDevices Displays the attributes to configure various miscellaneous onboard devices.
Passwords Displays the attributes to configure performance-related settings.
Performance Displays the attributes to configure performance-related settings.
POSTBehavior Displays the attributes to configure system’s behavior after POST.
PowerManagement Displays the attributes to configure power management settings.
PreEnabled Displays the attributes to configure various preenabled settings.
NOTE: This category describes the miscellaneous BIOS settings.
ProcesserInformation Displays noneditable information about processors.
SecureBoot Displays the attributes to configure Secure Boot settings.
Security Displays the attributes to configure the security feature of the system.
StealthModeControl Displays the attributes to configure stealth mode settings.
SupportAssistSystemResolution Displays the attributes to configure various SupportAssist settings.
SystemConfiguration Displays the attributes to configure devices that are integrated on the system board.
SystemInformation Displays information that uniquely identifies the system.
SystemLogs Displays the attributes to configure system logs settings.
TPMSecurity Displays the attributes to configure TPM device settings.
Thermal Configuration Displays the attributes to configure thermal configuration settings.
USBConfiguration Displays the attributes to configure USB settings.
NOTE: USB keyboard and mouse always work as defined in the BIOS setup, irrespective of these settings.
Video Displays the attributes to configure video settings.
VirtualizationSupport Displays the attributes to configure virtualization settings.
Wireless Displays the attributes to configure wireless devices.

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