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Alienware 17 R4 Setup and Specifications

Keyboard shortcuts

Table 1. List of keyboard shortcutsList of keyboard shortcuts and their description.
Function key + F1 keyDisconnect Alienware Graphics Amplifier
Function key + F2 keyDisable/enable wireless
Function key + F3 keyMute audio
Function key + F4 keyDecrease volume
Function key + F5 keyIncrease volume
Function key + F7 keyToggle integrated/discrete graphics
Function key + F8 keySwitch to external display
Function key + F9 keyDecrease brightness
Function key + F10 keyIncrease brightness
Function key + F11 keyDisable/enable touch pad
Function key + F12 keyDisable/enable AlienFX
Table 2. List of Macro keysList of Macro keys and their description.
Macro Key
Macro keys
NOTE:You can configure modes and assign multiple tasks for the macro keys on the keyboard.
Macro Key
Macro Key
Macro Key
Macro Key
Macro Key
Macro Key
Macro Key
Macro Key
Macro Key

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