Dell Unity XT 480, 680, or 880 SP may panic after being up for 240 days.
An SP panic may occur due to an integer overflow calculation leading to a 64-bit result being stored in a 32-bit variable.
The issue is most likely to occur on a Unity XT 480, 680, or 880 array running Unity OE versions through This is due to changes within that code and the SP hardware used in those models. Older codes and Unity models are less likely to see this issue.
NOTE: The average number of days before an SP restart is 275-300 days. The SP restart can occur before 275 days. Storage Processor restarts do not occur prior to 240 days.
The fix is available in Unity OE version and later.
Proactively reboot the SP every 240 days to avoid an SP panic. Instructions to reboot an SP are available in the article:
Unity: How to Reboot a Storage Processor (User Correctable).
Customers can issue an
command by connecting to an array using SSH and using the service account to get the SP runtime.
The example below shows uptime is 31 days.
04:30:01 service@xxx spa:~/user# uptime
04:30am up 31 days 3:41, 2 users, load average: 29.21, 29.45, 29.51
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