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How to Schedule a Service Appointment Online

摘要: We have made it simple for customers to schedule service appointments online.

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If your work order is eligible for self-scheduling, you receive an email that prompts you to schedule an appointment. If you do not schedule within two business days after you receive the email, an agent will reach out to the contact for the work order to schedule the service appointment.

If you view your service request online, you will also see the option to schedule appointments for eligible work orders.

You have two ways to schedule an appointment: follow the link in the email that you received or search for your service request online.

To schedule an appointment for an eligible work order from your email

  1. From the email, select Schedule service and follow the link to the service request online.

  2. On the Service Request Details page, you will see your service request and the work order that is ready for scheduling. Select Schedule My Appointment.

  3. Choose a date and time for your service, then select Schedule.

A confirmation shows you the service date and time. You will also receive an email notification confirming your appointment.

To schedule an appointment for an eligible work order online

  1. Search for your service request at Dell Support Service Requests and Dispatch Status. If you are not signed in, you may be prompted to sign in or enter the email address associated with the service request.

  2. Open Service Request Details. On the Service Request Details page, you will see your service request and any associated work orders. Find the work order that is ready for scheduling and select Schedule My Appointment.

  3. Choose a date and time for your service, then select Schedule.

A confirmation lists the service date and time. You will also receive an email notification confirming your appointment.

Need to reschedule?

You can reschedule your service until the technician is on the way to your appointment. Follow the link in the email that you received or search for your service request online. On the Service Request Details page, find the eligible work order and select Reschedule My Appointment.

See these Dell Knowledge Base articles for related information:

文章编号: 000207868
文章类型: How To
上次修改时间: 08 2月 2025
版本:  6