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Find the BitLocker Key Identifier for a Drive Protected by Dell Encryption BitLocker Manager

摘要: This article provides information about locating a BitLocker key identifier for a drive protected by Dell Encryption BitLocker Manager.

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Affected Products:

  • Dell Security Management Server Enterprise
  • Dell Security Management Server Virtual

Affected Versions:

  • v10.2.13 and Later

Note: This can be used to obtain a BitLocker recovery password or key package from the Dell Data Security management server recovery portal.

From the BitLocker recovery screen

If your computer is booting to the BitLocker recovery screen, the key identifier is in the highlighted area of the following image.

BitLocker recovery screen

From within Windows

To locate the key identifier for a drive, partition, or removable drive follow the steps below.

  1. From the start menu, search for CMD then right-click Command Prompt and click run as administrator.
    Command Prompt (Run as administrator)
  2. From the administrator command prompt type manage-bde -protectors -get <drive letter>: where <drive letter> is the drive letter for the BitLocker protected drive that you want to recover.
    Recovery ID for drive with letter E:
    Note: The ID under a numerical password (this is the key identifier for the drive).
    Recovery ID for the drive
    Note: The command above can be run from the recovery image in the event you are unable to log in to windows.

For assistance with retrieving a BitLocker recovery password, or key package using the BitLocker key identifier follow:

To contact support, reference Dell Data Security International Support Phone Numbers.
Go to TechDirect to generate a technical support request online.
For additional insights and resources, join the Dell Security Community Forum.


Dell Encryption
文章编号: 000180649
文章类型: How To
上次修改时间: 21 2月 2025
版本:  20