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PowerEdge: How to Import and Export an iDRAC License Using the Web Interface

摘要: This article explains how to import and export the integrated Dell Remote Access Controller iDRAC7, iDRAC8, and iDRAC9 License.

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Before and after a replacement of the system board or when upgrading the iDRAC license for enabling more features, license management may be necessary. A method to import and export an iDRAC license is through the iDRAC web interface. License operations can also be performed using iDRAC, RACADM, WSMAN, Lifecycle Controller-Remote Services for one-to-one license management, and Dell License Manager for one-to-many license management.

Table of Contents

Note: Downloading an upgrade or replacing a lost license: The iDRAC license can be downloaded from Dell Digital Locker. License keys are stored online and can be downloaded if needed. If an existing license key in not available in the Dell Digital Locker or there is an issue with a license key, contact Dell Support or Customer Care. Further help is available for How to Access Your Dell Digital Locker.


How to Import and Export iDRAC9 License

Exporting the license:

Before replacing the motherboard (MB), you must follow these steps below to export the license:

  1. Log in to the iDRAC interface.
  2. Go to Configuration.
  3. Select Export from the drop-down menu under License Options, to export all licenses.
  4. Save the license (.xml) file to an accessible location.
iDRAC9 License Export

Figure 1: iDRAC9 License Export.

Importing the license:

Follow the steps below to import the iDRAC License after an MB replacement or license purchase:

  1. Store the License (.xml) file in an accessible location.
  2. Enter the iDRAC web interface.
  3. Go to Configuration.
  4. Select Import from the drop-down menu under License Options to import the License.
iDRAC9 License Import

Figure 2: iDRAC9 Import License.

How to Import the IDRAC9 LIcense

Duration: 00:00:45 (hh:mm:ss)
When available, closed caption (subtitles) language settings can be chosen using the CC icon on this video player.

How to Import and Export an iDRAC7 and iDRAC8 License?

Exporting the License:

Before replacing the MB, you must follow the below steps to export the license:

  1. Log in to the iDRAC web interface.
  2. Go to the License tab. 
iDRAC7 and 8 license page

           Figure 3: iDRAC7 and iDRAC8 license page.

  1. Select Export from the drop-down menu under License Options to export all licenses.
iDRAC7 and 8 license export

            Figure 4: iDRAC7 and iDRAC8 license export.

  1. Save the license (.xml) file to an accessible location

Importing the License

Follow the steps below to import the iDRAC License after an MB replacement or license purchase:

  1. Store the license (.xml) file to an accessible location.
  2. Log in to the iDRAC web interface.
  3. Go to the License tab.   
iDRAC 7 and 8 license page

            Figure 5: iDRAC7 and iDRAC8 License page.

  1. Select Import from the down-down menu under License Options to import the license
iDRAC7 and 8 license import

           Figure 6: iDRAC7 and iDRAC8 license import.

Video on how to import the iDRAC7 and iDRAC8 license.

Duration: 00:01:22 (hh:mm:ss)
When available, closed caption (subtitles) language settings can be chosen using the CC icon on this video player.



iDRAC7, iDRAC8, iDRAC9, PowerEdge R240, PowerEdge R250, PowerEdge R260, PowerEdge R340, PowerEdge R350, PowerEdge R360, PowerEdge R440


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文章编号: 000145345
文章类型: How To
上次修改时间: 23 1月 2025
版本:  16