Installation of VMware ESXi OS on iDRAC Flash card.
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Steps to Install OS on iDRAC6 V Flash
Ensure that you only insert a vFlash SD card or standard SD card in the iDRAC6 Enterprise card slot. If you insert a card in any other format (example, Multi- Media Card (MMC)), the following error message is displayed when you initialize the card: An error has occurred while initializing SD card.
The vFlash SD cards and standard SD cards are supported. A vFlash SD card refers to the card that supports the new enhanced vFlash features. A standard SD card refers to a normal off-the-shelf SD card that supports only limited vFlash features. With vFlash SD card, you can create up to 16 partitions. You can provide a label name for the partition when you create it and can perform a range of operations to manage and use the partitions. A vFlash SD card can be of any size up to 8GB. Each partition size can be up to 4GB. A standard SD card can be of any size but supports only one partition. The size of the partition is limited to 256MB. The label name for the partition is VFLASH by default.
When create partition is in-progress, the progress or status is not displayed. A page indicating the progress
percentage is displayed. A page indicating the progress percentage is displayed. An error message is displayed if: