Have you encountered any of the following Alienware Command Center (AWCC) issues?
Check whether the audio driver, AWCC, or OCControls are installed or upgraded correctly. This can help to simplify the initial software troubleshooting.
After you do a clean install of the operating system and drivers on your computer, or you upgrade the AWCC and the OCControls manually. You may encounter some trouble that is related to Thermal, Keyboard, or AWCC issues.
Issue Descriptions:
Dell engineering has identified the Audio driver, AWCC, or OCControls not installing or upgrading correctly to be the main cause of these issues.
Case OneThe Thermal icon is always shown as loading and never completes.
The OCControls being missing or not installing correctly can cause this.
The Sounder Center icons are not shown on-screen.
The incorrect audio driver installed or AWCC not upgrading correctly can cause this.
You must have the correct Audio driver version for this version of AWCC. Generic Audio drivers can break the AWCC Sound Center features.
Some icons are missing, the FX tab does not work, the G key does not work, AWCC flash exit…so on.
Commonly this issue has several root causes, but these ones can stop the AWCC application from fully installing.
Issue Resolutions:
Browse to: https://www.dell.com/support/drivers
Identify your Dell computer:
Click Download and Install SupportAssist to auto-detect your Dell computer. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Dell SupportAssist.
Enter the Service Tag of the laptop and click Search.
Or click Browse all products and select your Dell computer from the catalog.
Under Category, select Applications.
Locate the latest Alienware Command Center Application (Figure.1). (Version, A00 or newer.)
Locate the latest Alienware OC Controls Application (Figure.2). (Version, A00 or newer.)
Click Download and save the files to a directory on your computer.
Uninstall the current OCControls and then the Alienware Command Center Suite, and the audio driver (See Figure.3).
Open File Explorer and browse to the location where the downloaded files are saved.
Double-click the AWCC installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
Double-click the OC installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
Reboot your computer again when they complete.
Connect to your network.
Launch the AWCC application from the start menu. (Wait for one to two minutes and do NOT close the application until the AWCC relaunch is completed.)
Browse to: https://www.dell.com/support/drivers
Identify your Dell computer:
Click Download and Install SupportAssist to auto-detect your Dell computer. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Dell SupportAssist.
Enter the Service Tag of the laptop and click Search.
Or, click Browse all products and select your Dell computer from the catalog.
Select the Operating System that is running on the Dell computer.
Under Category, select Audio.
Locate the latest Realtek High Definition Audio Driver (Figure.4). (Version 6.0.8996.1, A02 or newer.)
Click Download and save the file to your computer.
Under Category, select Applications.
Locate the latest Alienware Command Center Application (Figure.5). (Version, A00 or newer.)
Locate the latest Alienware OC Controls Application (Figure.6). (Version, A00 or newer.)
Click Download and save the files to a directory on your computer.
Uninstall the current OCControls and then the Alienware Command Center Suite, and the audio driver (See Figure.7).
Open File Explorer and browse to the location where the downloaded files are saved.
Double-click the Installer for the Audio driver.
Reboot your computer when it completes.
Double-click the AWCC installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
Double-click the OC installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
Reboot your computer again when they complete.
Connect to your network.
Launch the AWCC application from the start menu. (Wait for one to two minutes and do NOT close the application until the AWCC relaunch is completed.)
Browse to: https://www.dell.com/support/drivers
Identify your Dell computer:
Click Download and Install SupportAssist to auto-detect your Dell computer. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Dell SupportAssist.
Enter the Service Tag of the laptop and click Search.
Or click Browse all products and select your Dell computer from the catalog.
Select the Operating System that is running on the Dell computer.
Under Category, select Applications.
Locate the latest Alienware Command Center Application (Figure.8). (Version or newer includes a package manager installer.)
Click Download and save the file to a directory on your computer.
Uninstall the Alienware Command Center Suite.
Open File Explorer and browse to the location where the downloaded files are saved.
Double-click the AWCC installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
Connect to your network.
Launch the AWCC application from the start menu. (Wait for one to two minutes and do NOT close the application until the AWCC relaunch is completed.)
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