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How to Uninstall Dell Digital Delivery

Zhrnutie: Remove the Dell Digital Delivery application from your Windows-based Dell computer. Uninstalling Dell Digital Delivery may be necessary to troubleshoot software issues and ensure smooth performance. ...

Tento článok sa vzťahuje na Tento článok sa nevzťahuje na Tento článok nie je viazaný na žiadny konkrétny produkt. V tomto článku nie sú uvedené všetky verzie produktov.


Affected Products:

  • Dell Digital Delivery

Affected Versions:

  • v4.0 and later

Dell Digital Delivery enables access to software purchased with a commercial or consumer Dell computer running Windows.

It may be necessary to uninstall Dell Digital Delivery to troubleshoot the application.

Click the appropriate client version for specific uninstall steps. For more information, reference How to Identify the Version of Dell Digital Delivery.

v4.x and Later

  1. Launch the Windows Task Manager.
    Note: Access to Windows Task Manager changed in Windows 11. For more information, reference How to Launch the Windows 11 Task Manager.
  2. In Windows Task Manager:
    1. Expand Dell.D3.WinSvc
    2. Right-click Dell Digital Delivery Service.
    3. Click Stop.
      Stop Dell Digital Delivery Service
  3. Right-click the Windows Start Menu and then click Apps & features.
    Click Apps and Features from Windows Start Menu
  4. In Apps & features:
    1. Uninstall Dell Digital Delivery Services.
    2. Uninstall Dell Digital Delivery.
      Uninstall Dell Digital Delivery Services and App
      Note: For information about installation, reference How to Download and Install Dell Digital Delivery.

v3.x and Earlier

  1. Launch the Windows Task Manager.
    Note: Access to Windows Task Manager changed in Windows 11. For more information, reference How to Launch the Windows 11 Task Manager.
  2. In Windows Task Manager:
    1. Expand Dell Digital Delivery Windows Service.
    2. Right-click Dell Digital Delivery Service.
    3. Click Stop.
      Stop Dell Digital Delivery Service
      Click Apps and Features
  3. Right-click the Windows Start Menu and then click Apps & features.
  4. In Apps & features, navigate and then Uninstall Dell Digital Delivery.
    Uninstall Dell Digital Delivery
    Note: For information about installation, reference How to Download and Install Dell Digital Delivery.
Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000200562
Typ článku: How To
Dátum poslednej úpravy: 05 aug 2024
Verzia:  7
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