How to Receive Audio from Dell Gaming and Alienware Monitors
Zhrnutie:Learn about why you may not hear audio from a Dell Gaming or Alienware monitor. Learn how to receive audio from Dell Gaming and Alienware monitors.
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You may receive no audio from Dell Gaming and Alienware monitors.
Dell Gaming and Alienware monitors (except the Alienware 55 OLED Monitor AW5520QF) do NOT have in-built speakers.
No Audio from Dell Gaming and Alienware Monitors
A headset or external speaker is required to receive audio from the Dell Gaming and Alienware monitors (except for the Alienware 55 OLED Monitor AW5520QF).
Connect the computer to the monitor by the HDMI, DisplayPort (DP), USB Type-C, and so forth (any that are available).
Note: Clicking the speaker icon in the taskbar shows the monitor as a playback device. Even though the monitor appears as a playback device, there is no sound from the monitor since it does NOT have speakers (Figure 1 and 2).
Figure 1: S3222DGM Shown as a Playback Device for example
Figure 2: AW3418DW Shown as a Playback Device for example
Connect a headset or external speaker to the headphone port at the back of the monitor. For more information about the ports, consult the User Guide for your monitor.
Some monitors have separate ports for headset and speakers. Check the User Guide for your monitor to identify the correct port to use.