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How Do I Stop My Computer´s Microphone from Causing Feedback Through the Speakers?

Zhrnutie: Troubleshooting feedback through speakers when using your computers microphone.

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Table of Contents:

  1. Mute the Microphone Input in the Volume Control Applet
  2. Speakers Causing Feedback

Mute the Microphone Input in the Volume Control Applet

To mute the microphone input in the Volume Control applet, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Control Panel by typing in control in the Run Command box.
  2. Click Hardware and Sound > Change system sounds.
    Note: This window may be titled Volume Control, Play Control, Control Out, or Sounds.
  3. If you see the Microphone device listed, then go to step 7.
    Note: The Microphone device may also appear as Mic.
  4. On the Volume Control window, click Options and then click Properties.
  5. Click the Playback radio button.
  6. In the checklist, find and add the checkmark to Microphone and click OK.
  7. In the Volume Control window, find the Microphone device and add a check to the Mute box.
    Note: With some sound cards, there may be Select boxes in place of the Mute boxes. If so, clear the Microphone device's Select box.

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Speakers Causing Feedback

The microphone picks up sound from the speakers, and then it is played back through the computer's speakers. This can cause feedback, echo, and other sound issues.

If the microphone input is activated in the Volume Control, sound picked up by the microphone is played through the speakers. The Volume Control applet controls the volumes of sound devices played through the speakers.
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Audio Go to our Audio and Speakers site for more information and support.

Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000149193
Typ článku: How To
Dátum poslednej úpravy: 10 feb 2025
Verzia:  9
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