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Alienware 15 R3 / 17 R4 Overheat, Performance Issues or Throttling During High CPU Stress

Zhrnutie: If your Alienware 15R3 or 17 R4 system is experiencing unexpected shutdowns during periods of high CPU usage, follow the instructions in this article.

Je možné, že tento článok bol preložený automaticky. Ak máte nejaké pripomienky ku kvalite prekladu, pošlite nám ich prostredníctvom formulára naspodku stránky.

Obsah článku


SLN305033_en_US__1iC_aw_alienhead_mr_v1 Description  

An incorrect setting in the BIOS versions below 1.0.6 could cause a system to shut down during heavy processor usage. Under heavy load the processor's Turbo Boost will activate, generating a power spike that may result in an unexpected shutdown due to the before mentioned BIOS setting.

Also the system performance may drop as a result of this.


Supported Systems:

Alienware 15 R3
Alienware 17 R4




  1. Update to BIOS version S1.1.9_K1.1.9 ,S1.0.9_K1.1.9 or higher.
  2. Disable NVIDIA G-SYNC (G-SYNC Models Only)

    • Right Click on the Desktop
    • Click NVIDIA Control Panel
    • On the left menu, Click on Set up G-SYNC
    • Uncheck the Enable G-SYNC checkbox
    • Click Apply
  3. Restart the system and access the BIOS

    • To access the BIOS tap F2 repeatedly as the system restarts
  4. Once in the BIOS go to the Advanced tab

  5. Go to down to Performance Options and Press Enter

  6. Go to  CPU Performance Mode and Press Enter

  7. Select Enabled and Press Enter

  8. Go to OC Mode and Press Enter

  9. Select Level 3 and Press Enter

  10. Press F10 to Save and Exit

  11. Download and install any temperature monitoring tool such as HWiNFO64 or RealTemp (3rd party tool recommendations only)

  12. Open the app once it is installed

  13. Open Support Assist

    • Click on Start SLN305033_en_US__2iC_aw_winlogo_mr_v1
    • Type Support Assist
    • Support Assist Icon should come up, click on it
    • If Support Assist is not installed on your system Click Here and follow the On-Screen Instructions
  14. Click on Checkup

  15. Click on Scan a Specific Device

  16. Scroll Down to System Device

  17. Click on CPU

  18. Select CPU Stress Test and click Run Test

  19. Once in Windows, Right Click on Start SLN305033_en_US__2iC_aw_winlogo_mr_v1

  20. Click on Task Manager

  21. Click on the Performance tab

While the stress test run keep monitoring the CPU Speed using Task Manager and also the temperatures

The peak temperature should not exceed 100C


The CPU Speed will vary depending on your CPU model but should stay around the following ranges:

CPU Speed
i7 - 6820 (Overclocked in Level 3 Mode) 3700 Mhz (3.7 GHz)
i7 - 6700 HQ (Performance Mode) 3000 Mhz (3.0 GHz)
i5 - 6300 HQ (Performance Mode) 2700 Mhz (2.7 GHz)
i7 - 7820 (Overclocked in Level 3 Mode) 3900 MHz (3.9 GHz)
i7 - 7700 HQ (Performance Mode) 3300 MHz (3.3 GHz)
i5 - 7300 HQ (Performance Mode) 3000 MHz (3.0 GHz)

In case the maximum temperature is above 100C and/or the processor does not sustain the speed as described in the table contact support for assistance.

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Vlastnosti článku

Dotknutý produkt

Alienware 15 R3, Alienware 17 R4

Dátum posledného zverejnenia

21 feb 2021



Typ článku
