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Latitude Rugged Tablet Dock: Visual Guide to your Desk Dock

Zhrnutie: The following article provides a visual guide to your Latitude Rugged Tablet Desk Dock and lists the external ports and features of the dock.

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Note: For a more detailed description about each location, go to the system manuals at



Front View



(Fig.1 Front View)


1 Tablet Back Support (Removable) 2 Alignment Pins
3 Pogo-pin Docking Connector 4 Power Indicator
5 USB 2.0 Connector 6 Headset Connector

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Rear View



(Fig.2 Rear View)


1 Spare Battery Charging Slots x2 2 Lock Slot
3 DC-In Connector 4 Serial Port Connector x2
5 VGA Port Connector 6 Display Port Connector
7 USB 3.0 Connector x2 8 Ethernet (NIC) Connector (Gigabit)

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