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Installation of Windows 10 from an ISO image may prompt for a digital product key (DPK)

Zhrnutie: Installing Windows 10 update from within Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 using an ISO image.

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Follow the guidelines below to resolve an issue with the installation of Windows 10 from an ISO image not activating if the system was not previously updated to Windows 10.


Windows 10 upgrade
Most initial installations of Windows 10 are currently from an upgrade from a previous version of Windows though Windows update. However, like other versions of Windows, it can also be installed from an ISO file.


ISO file installation options.

You can double-click on the ISO from within Win 7/8.1 and it will install or boot off the ISO and do a clean install. However, if you are executing a clean install, you will be prompted for a Windows Digital Product Key (DPK).

When you are prompted for a DPK, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on the "Skip" option and proceed with the Windows 10 installation.
  2. Once the Windows 10 install is complete, Windows will again say that Windows 10 must be activated within 10 days. Once the system is connected to the Internet, the previous registration of the Hardware ID of the system with Microsoft should be recognized and the computer should then be seen as an activated system.
NOTE: For a clean install of Windows 10 to activate, the system must have previously been upgraded to Windows 10 and the upgrade activated. Once this has been done, then a Clean install will also activate.

Other Windows 10 Upgrade troubleshooting

Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000132222
Typ článku: Solution
Dátum poslednej úpravy: 27 júl 2023
Verzia:  6
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