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How to Install Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise for Linux

Zhrnutie: Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise for Linux can be installed using these instructions.

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The installation process for Dell Data Security Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise for Linux is handled by using command line.

Note: For more information about product system requirements, including supported versions of Linux, reference Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise System Requirements.
  1. Open Terminal.
  2. In Terminal, type sudo tar –xvf '/FilePathA/DellESSE.tar.gz' –C /FilePathB and then press Enter.
    • In the above example:
      • FilePathA is the path where the tar.gz exists.
        • FilePathA example = /home/admin/Desktop/Downloads/
      • FilePathB is the path where the tar.gz is being extracted to.
        • FilePathB example = /home/admin/Desktop/ESSE
    • Commands are case-sensitive.
    • The example paths may differ in your environment.
  3. Type sudo 'filepath/' from the extracted installer package into Terminal and then press Enter.
  4. Populate the password for the account that is in use and then press Enter.
  5. Populate the IP or DNS of the Dell Security Management Server and then press Enter.
    IP or DNS
  6. Populate the port of the Dell Security Management Server’s core server service and then press Enter.
    Note: By default, the core server service runs on 8888.
  7. Press Y when prompted to install the DellESSE package and its dependencies and then press Enter.
    Package confirmation
  8. If prompted for fingerprint approval, press Y. Otherwise, go to Step 9.
    Fingerprint approval
  9. Press Y to install the CylanceDellATPPlugin package and then press Enter.
    Plugin confirmation
  10. Press Y to install the DellAdvancedThreatProtection package and then press Enter.
    Dell Advanced Threat Protection package confirmation
  11. Once installation is complete, type Exit and press Enter.

To contact support, reference Dell Data Security International Support Phone Numbers.
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Dotknuté produkty

Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise
Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000124563
Typ článku: How To
Dátum poslednej úpravy: 06 nov 2024
Verzia:  13
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