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How to Download and Install Absolute

Сводка: Learn about how to download, install, and verify installation of Absolute by following these instructions.

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These instructions walk through the steps of downloading, installing, and then verifying the installation of Absolute Data and Device Security.

Affected Products:

  • Absolute

Affected Operating Systems:

  • Windows

An administrator may Download, Install, and then Verify installation of Absolute. Click the appropriate process for more information.

  1. Open a web browser and go to https://cc.absolute.comThis hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies..
  2. Populate the email address used to access the web portal and then click Next.
    Absolute web console login
  3. Log In to the web portal.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Click Agent Management.
    Agent Management
  6. Click the dropdown arrow under the current version from Agent Management.
    Dropdown arrow
  7. Click Download Full Agent Installer.
    Download Full Agent Installer
  8. Select the agent type depending on whether this is for a Windows or macOS endpoint. Click Generate Package, and the Absolute site generates a custom installer package for the specific customer pulling down the installer.
    Generate Package
    Note: It may take a few minutes to generate the installer for download.
  9. Click Close.
    Package generation notification
    • A window appears indicating that the installer package is being created and to check the download page in a few minutes.
    • When the download is ready, the option in the download screen changes from Generate Package to Download Package.
  10. Click Download Package to download the installer.
    Download Package
  11. Once the download is complete, extract the zipped installation package to a location of your choice.
  12. Run AbsoluteAgent[VERSION].msi or AbsoluteAgentAgent[VERSION].exe as admin from the folder that you have extracted the zipped installation package to.
    Example installer
    • [VERSION] represents the version numbers.
    • The version may differ from the version in the example image.
  1. Click Next.
    Absolute Agent installer welcome screen
  2. Click Install.
  3. Click Finish. Optionally, select Show the Windows Installer log to view install logs.
  1. Open a web browser and go to https://cc.absolute.comThis hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies..
  2. Populate the email address used to access the web portal and then click Next.
    Absolute web console login
  3. Log In to the web portal.
  4. Click Find Devices.
    Find Devices
  5. Select Active Devices and confirm that the endpoint is listed.
    Active Devices

To contact support, reference Dell Data Security International Support Phone Numbers.
Go to TechDirect to generate a technical support request online.
For additional insights and resources, join the Dell Security Community Forum.

See these Dell Knowledge Base articles for related information:

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