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How to Create Windows Recovery Media and USB Recovery Disk for Your Dell Computer

Resumo: Create a Windows 10 recovery media for your Dell computer. This guide covers using a Windows recovery disk or USB to restore Windows if there are system issues. Essential for reinstallation and troubleshooting on Dell PCs ...

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Windows recovery drive helps reinstall Windows if your computer experiences a major issue such as a hardware failure. Windows updates to improve security and personal computer performance periodically, so we recommend you re-create the recovery drive annually. The recovery drive is not a system image and creating a recovery drive does not backup your personal files, settings, or applications.

Table of contents:

  1. What you need
  2. Create recovery media for your Dell computer
  3. Use recovery media to factory reset your Dell computer


What you need

To create your recovery media, you need:

  • Your Dell computer
  • A USB drive that is 32 GB or larger.

Create recovery media for your Dell computer

To create the recovery media, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start Windows Key, then type "create recovery drive." Windows provides relevant results as you type.

  2. Select Create a recovery drive.

  3. At the User Access Control prompt, Select Yes to open the Recovery Drive wizard. Keep the check box next to Back up system files to the recovery drive checked, click Next.

  4. Connect the USB flash drive to an available USB port, ensure that the drive selected is correct, then click Next.

    WARNING: This process deletes all data on the USB drive and may take two hours or more to complete. This process does not backup your personal files, settings, or programs.

Use Windows Recovery USB to Factory Reset Your Dell Computer

To use recovery media to reset your Dell computer to its factory state, see Dell KB article, How to Reinstall Windows 10 on your Dell computer.

  • When files have finished copying to the drive, click Finish.
  • Remove the drive and store in a safe location.

Mais informações

Out of Warranty support Out of warranty? No problem. Browse to the Dell.com/support website and enter your Dell Service Tag and view our offers.

NOTE: Offers are only available for US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, China, and Japan personal computer customers. Server and Storage are not applicable.

Produtos afetados

Alienware, Inspiron, OptiPlex, Vostro, XPS, G Series, G Series, Alienware, Inspiron, Latitude, Dell Pro Rugged, Vostro, XPS, Fixed Workstations, Mobile Workstations
Propriedades do artigo
Número do artigo: 000177164
Tipo de artigo: How To
Último modificado: 06 fev. 2025
Versão:  19
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