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Keyboard Shortcut Key Function

Resumo: Learn quick tips to use shortcut function keys using the E3 series keyboards on your Dell computer.

Este artigo aplica-se a Este artigo não se aplica a Este artigo não está vinculado a nenhum produto específico. Nem todas as versões do produto estão identificadas neste artigo.


The below table is a list of combination short-cut key functions using the E3 series keyboards.

Combination Key 83 Keys Keyboard 104 Keys Keyboard
FN + F1
Enter sleep/hibernation mode.
FN + F2
In the BIOS, the Post Behaviour section,the Keypad(Embedded) option is set to 'Fn Key Only' option by default. Change to 'By Numlock' otherwise, user will need to press and hold the FN + F2 keys in order to use the embedded number keys.
FN + F3
Enable or disable Scroll Lock.
FN + F5
Enable or disable the touchpad and/or touchstick.
FN + F7
Launch Dell Control Point.
FN + F8
Enable or disable multiple display. Option include, clone display or extended display to an external monitor. Or project the current view to external monitor only.
FN + F10
Go back to previous track when playing a file in Windows Media Player.
FN + F11
Play or pause a file in Windows Media Player.
FN + F12
Go forward to the next track when playing a file in Windows Media Player.
FN + End
Print the current desktop screen.
FN + Insert
Performs a "Break". This key is used in programming and debugging applications. It has no function in most programs.
FN + Up Arrow
Increase the LCD brightness.
FN + Down Arrow
Decrease the LCD brightness.
FN + Right Arrow
Increase and decrease the keyboard backlight illumination.
Windows logo key and M
Minimizes all open windows.
Windows logo key and Shift + M
Maximizes all windows.
Windows logo key and E
Runs Windows Explorer.
Windows logo key and R
Opens the Run dialog box.
Windows logo key and F
Opens the Search Results dialog box.
Windows logo key and FN + Pause
Opens the System Properties dialog box.

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Propriedades do artigo
Número do artigo: 000147923
Tipo de artigo: How To
Último modificado: 17 ago. 2024
Versão:  6
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