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Setup Failed Error When Upgrading Alienware Over Clocking Controls

Resumo: You may receive a Setup Failed error when trying to update the Alienware Over Clocking Controls app without uninstalling the previous version.

Este artigo aplica-se a Este artigo não se aplica a Este artigo não está vinculado a nenhum produto específico. Nem todas as versões do produto estão identificadas neste artigo.


Supported Systems:

Alienware and G-Series Systems Supporting Alienware Over Clocking Controls

Alienware OC Controls
Figure 1: Alienware Over Clocking Controls


The root of this error is the Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) components of the Alienware OC Controls; these components have issues handling upgrade installations. Upgrade installation is disabled from v1.2.32.1210 or newer versions to prevent further problems.


An expected update to the Alienware Command Center (AWCC) corrects this issue. Uninstall any previous versions of Alienware OC Controls before installing the latest version.

  1. Click Close on the error message window.
  2. Right-click the start button and click Apps and Features.
  3. Click Alienware OC Controls then click uninstall to remove the previous version.
  4. Run the Alienware OC Controls installer again.
Apps and Features

Figure 2: Apps and Features Screen

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Produtos afetados

G Series, Alienware
Propriedades do artigo
Número do artigo: 000136496
Tipo de artigo: Solution
Último modificado: 07 fev. 2025
Versão:  7
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