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How to Generate Reports in Dell Threat Defense

Podsumowanie: Learn about how to generate reports in Dell Threat Defense by following these instructions.

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This article covers how to generate reports in Dell Threat Defense.

Affected Products:

  • Dell Threat Defense

The Dell Threat Defense console can generate a report on the status of threats in an environment.

  1. From a web browser, go to the Dell Threat Defense administration console at:
  2. Log in to the Dell Threat Defense administration console.
    Dell Threat Defense administration console
  3. In the console, click the Settings tab.
  4. Under Settings, click Application.
  5. Click Threat Data Report.
    Threat Data Report
  6. A Dell Threat Defense administrator can:
    • Download Report as an .xlsx file.
    • Provide an external party with the Download URL to save an .xlsx locally.
      • This option requires a unique token to be generated.
      • The report remains available until the token is deleted.
    Download Report and Download URL
    Note: The token may differ from the example.

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Produkty, których dotyczy problem

Dell Threat Defense
Właściwości artykułu
Numer artykułu: 000123801
Typ artykułu: How To
Ostatnia modyfikacja: 09 sty 2025
Wersja:  10
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