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BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO or SESSION3_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE Error on a Dell Encryption Enterprise or Dell Encryption Personal Protected Endpoint

Sammendrag: Dell Encryption Enterprise and Dell Encryption Personal BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO and SESSION3_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE errors can be resolved by following these instructions.

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Affected Products:

  • Dell Encryption Enterprise
  • Dell Data Protection | Enterprise Edition
  • Dell Data Protection | Server Edition
  • Dell Encryption Personal
  • Dell Data Protection | Personal Edition

An endpoint protected with Dell Encryption Enterprise (formerly Dell Data Protection | Enterprise Edition) or Dell Encryption Enterprise Personal (formerly Dell Data Protection | Personal Edition) may display an error of:

  • BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO (stop code 0x00000074) after modification or tampering of system32 files or hardware checksums
  • SESSION3_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE (stop code 0x0000006f) after modification or tampering of the Windows registry


These errors are a byproduct of Dell Encryption Enterprise or Dell Encryption Personal protecting the endpoint from unauthorized tampering.



Windows Error Message

CMG Shield Error Message

Note: The error may look slightly different on your endpoint.

If the checksums or registry modifications were intentional, then a local security administrator (LSA) recovery can be performed to resolve the blue or black screen. For more information about the recovery process, reference How to Run The Dell Encryption Enterprise / Dell Encryption Personal Recovery Bundle.

To contact support, reference Dell Data Security International Support Phone Numbers.
Go to TechDirect to generate a technical support request online.
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Berørte produkter

Dell Encryption
Artikkelnummer: 000126735
Artikkeltype: Solution
Sist endret: 23 jul. 2024
Versjon:  10
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