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PowerStore: NVMe Expansion Enclosure Temporary Power Supply Alert is Raised

Samenvatting: An alert is raised for the NVMe expansion enclosure's power supply reporting "uninitialized power supply unit has failed" with symptom code 0x00308903 or 0x00308704. The alert is auto cleared within approximately two minutes. ...

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Alert is raised for the NVMe expansion Power Supply.

symptom code 0x00308903 or 0x00308704


This alert is raised due to the high sensitivity of the hardware component checks in the NVMe expansion enclosure.


No action is required for this alert unless the alert persists and does not automatically clear. If the alert does persist, investigate the health of the Power Supply.

PowerStoreOS and later has a fix that prevents this alert from being raised unnecessarily.

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Artikelnummer: 000207773
Artikeltype: Solution
Laatst aangepast: 26 mrt. 2024
Versie:  6
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