DSA-2022-030: Dell Wyse Management Suite Security Update for Multiple Vulnerabilities
Samenvatting:Dell Wyse Management Suite (WMS) contains remediation for multiple security vulnerabilities that may be exploited by malicious users to compromise the affected system.
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Dell Wyse Management Suite versions 2.0 through 3.5.2 contain an unrestricted file upload vulnerability. A malicious user with admin privileges may potentially exploit this vulnerability in order to execute arbitrary code on the system.
Dell Wyse Management Suite versions 2.0 through 3.5.2 contain an unrestricted file upload vulnerability. A malicious user with admin privileges may potentially exploit this vulnerability in order to execute arbitrary code on the system.
Dell Technologies raadt aan dat alle klanten rekening houden met zowel de basisscore van CVSS als alle relevante tijdelijke en omgevingsscores die gevolgen kunnen hebben voor de mogelijke ernst van de specifieke beveiligingsproblemen.