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How to Identify the Version of Dell Digital Delivery

Samenvatting: This article discusses how to verify the Dell Digital Delivery product version.

Dit artikel is van toepassing op Dit artikel is niet van toepassing op Dit artikel is niet gebonden aan een specifiek product. Niet alle productversies worden in dit artikel vermeld.


Affected Products:

  • Dell Digital Delivery

Affected Operating Systems:

  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11

Dell Digital Delivery provides quick access to software licenses purchased with Dell Windows consumer and commercial computers.

Versioning of Dell Digital Delivery may be needed for:

  • Installing the product
  • Troubleshooting the product
  • Uninstalling the product

To identify the version:

  1. Right-click the Windows Taskbar and then select Task Manager.

Task Manager
Figure 1: (English Only) Task Manager

Note: For Windows 11, reference How to Launch the Windows 11 Task Manager.
  1. Right-click either:
    • Legacy: Dell Digital Delivery Windows Services and then Properties
    • Modern: Dell.D3.WinSvc and then Properties
Legacy Modern
Legacy Dell Digital Delivery Windows Services properties
Figure 2: (English Only) Legacy Dell Digital Delivery Windows services properties
Modern Dell.D3.WinSvc properties
Figure 3: (English Only) Modern Dell.D3.WinSvc properties
  1. In the properties pane, go to the Details tab and then document the Product version.
Legacy Modern
Legacy DeliveryService properties
Figure 4: (English Only) Legacy DeliveryService properties
Modern Dell.D3.WinSvc properties
Figure 5: (English Only) Modern Dell.D3.WinSvc properties
Note: The Product version in the screenshots may differ from your environment.
  1. Close Task Manager
  2. Right-click the Windows Start Menu and then click Apps & features.

Apps and Features
Figure 6: (English Only) Apps & features

  1. In Apps and features, document the product version for either:
    • Legacy: Dell Digital Delivery
    • Modern: Dell Digital Delivery Services
Legacy Modern
Legacy Dell Digital Delivery
Figure 7: (English Only) Legacy Dell Digital Delivery
Modern Dell Digital Delivery Services
Figure 8: (English Only) Modern Dell Digital Delivery Services
Artikelnummer: 000195915
Artikeltype: How To
Laatst aangepast: 09 feb. 2024
Versie:  4
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