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Latitude 5285 Tablet: Using your tablet

Samenvatting: This article is a guide to the common usage of those parts unique to the Dell Latitude 5285 Tablet.

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The following article is a guide to the common usages of the Dell Latitude 5285 Tablet.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Tablet LEDs
  3. Shutting down the Tablet
  4. Deploying the kickstand
  5. The Dell Active Stylus
  6. The Dell Latitude 5285 Travel Keyboard




Some standard practices need to change when using certain systems. This article will take you through where the Dell Latitude 5285 tablet is different from your standard 2-in-1 or notebook system.

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Tablet LEDs


The Power/Charge Status LED

The LED is found on the top edge of the system beside the Power Button.


(Figure.1 Power/Charge LED)

Power Source System Power State Battery Charge Level LED behaviour
Charging/Adapter On (S0) 0-100% Solid White
Battery On (S0) < = 10% Solid Amber
Battery On (S0) > 10% Off
Charging/Adapter Off or Hibernate (S4/S5) < Fully Charged Solid White
Charging/Adapter Off or Hibernate (S4/S5) Fully Charged Off
Battery Off or Hibernate (S4/S5) 0-100% Off
  • S0 (ON) — System is turned on
  • S4 (Hibernate) — The system consumes the least power, compared to all other sleep states. The system is almost at an OFF state, except for a trickle of power. The context data is written to the hard drive.
  • S5 (OFF) — The system is powered off.

Blinking Pattern

Possible Problem Problem Description
Amber White
2 1 CPU CPU failure
2 2 BIOS ROM failure System board failure (included BIOS corruption or ROM error)
2 3 Memory No memory/ RAM detected
2 4 Memory Memory/ RAM failure
2 5 Memory Invalid memory installed
2 6 Chipset System board/ Chipset error
2 7 LCD LCD failure
3 1 RTC power failure CMOS battery failure
3 2 PCI/ Video PCI or Video card/ chip failure
3 3 BIOS recovery 1 Recovery image not found
3 4 BIOS recovery 2 Recovery image found but invalid

The Camera Status LED

The LED is found to the left of the camera lens on the front of the system.


(Figure.2 Camera LED)

When the camera is on - the LED is on and white.

When the camera is off - the LED is off.

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Shutting the Tablet Down


There are two ways to shut down your Tablet PC.

  1. Normal Shutdown Process

    1. Press and hold the Power Button down until the message Slide to shut down your PC on the screen.

    2. Slide down the screen to shut down your tablet.

  2. Forced Shutdown Process

    1. Press and hold the Power Button down for 10 seconds.

    2. The system will shut down without going to the Slide to shut down your PC message appearing.

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Deploying the kickstand


Deploying the Kickstand

  1. Push Down on tablet onto a flat surface.


  2. The two pins on the bottom edge of the tablet will push in and release the kickstand from the back of the tablet.


The Kickstand Viewing Angles

The kickstand can be set to two different angles for viewing and usage.

  1. The first is 35 degrees.


  2. The second is 145 degrees.


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The Dell Active Stylus


The following link takes you to an article that deals with the Tablet Active Stylus:

SLN307647_en_US__8icon Note: The Active stylus is not shipped with the Dell Latitude 5285 tablet and must be purchased separately.

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The Dell Latitude 5285 Travel Keyboard


The following link takes you to an article that deals with the Dell Latitude 5285 Travel Keyboard:

SLN307647_en_US__8icon Note: The Dell Latitude 5285 Travel Keyboard is not shipped with the Dell Latitude 5285 tablet and must be purchased separately.

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Getroffen producten

Latitude 5285 2-in-1
Artikelnummer: 000136948
Artikeltype: Solution
Laatst aangepast: 29 sep. 2023
Versie:  5
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