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Distorted Sound From the Computer

Samenvatting: Refer to the information for help resolving distorted sound from your computer.

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Ensure after performing each step below, you check for issue resolution. If issue persists follow the next step.

  • Identify the media application i.e. VLC, Windows Media Player etc.
  • Connect external speaker/headphone and check for sound.
  • If the audio distortion persists.
  • If the issue continues after troubleshooting consider Reinstalling the Operating System. This method would result in data loss; Ensure you backup data before proceeding.
  • Run ePSA on Sound Card.
  • If audio distortion is not seen on external speaker/headphone

If issue still persist, contact Dell Technical Support for further assistance.SLN293592_en_US__1iC_External_Link_BD_v1


  Not applicable.


  Not applicable.
Artikelnummer: 000132372
Artikeltype: Solution
Laatst aangepast: 06 aug. 2024
Versie:  7
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