How to Perform a BIOS or CMOS Reset and Clear the NVRAM on Dell Computers
The following article provides information about resetting the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) for your Dell computer. This includes methods for resetting the Complementary
metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS), the motherboard BIOS, and the BIOS without a display. This guide helps to restore your BIOS to default settings and clear the nonvolatile random access memory (NVRAM) on your Dell computer.
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The information stored in the BIOS, known as the Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD), can occasionally become corrupt due to various reasons. These reasons include power events, incorrect settings, hardware incompatibility due to a specific setting, or a Power-on self-test (POST) or video problem. In these cases, it is sometimes necessary to reset the BIOS or CMOS to factory default settings. In other circumstances, clear the NVRAM or perform a Real-Time-Clock (RTC) Reset operation.
Warning: The BIOS interface is designed for advanced users. Be sure about the changes that you are making in the BIOS. Accidentally changing an unknown setting can prevent the computer from turning on, booting into the operating system, or can cause potential loss of data.
Warning: Clearing the CMOS or NVRAM using a jumper resets the passwords in the BIOS. This includes the BIOS user password, admin password, and hard drive password. This does not include any other passwords such as Windows login, online accounts, and so on.
Note: The Real-Time-Clock Reset (RTCRST) and Password (PSWD) jumper is not available on all Dell desktops. For Dell desktops that do not have an RTCRST jumper, see the Dell knowledge base article: How to Reset the RTC to Recover Your Dell Desktop.
Note: The RTCRST and PSWD jumper are not available on Dell laptops.
The RTCRST jumper helps reset or clear the NVRAM on the computer. The ESCD information that is contained in the NVRAM can be cleared by following the steps that are mentioned below. The NVRAM is cleared when the jumper is set to the closed position and turning on the computer for 10 seconds.
Note: Dell desktop computers can be recovered from a turn on self-test or video failure by clearing the CMOS or NVRAM.
Note: The location of the RTCRST and PSWD jumper varies between different Dell desktops. For more information about jumper locations, see the User Manual Page of your Dell desktop.
The BIOS can be reset to factory defaults by reseating the CMOS battery that is connected to the motherboard. This process is applicable for both Dell desktops and laptops. Follow these steps if the PSWD or RTCRST jumpers are not accessible on a Dell desktop or if you are using a Dell laptop.
Warning: Clearing the CMOS or NVRAM by reseating the CMOS battery resets the passwords in the BIOS. This includes the BIOS user password, admin password, and hard drive password. This does not include any other passwords such as Windows login, online accounts, and so on.
Note: The CMOS battery cannot be reseated on all Dell laptops. For model-specific information, see the User Manual of your computer.
If your desktop computer was produced before April 2020, the computer most likely has a jumper-based reset. Desktop computers manufactured after April 2020 use the RTC Reset ability.
Note: Desktop computers released after April 2020 should have RTC Reset enabled by default.
For desktop computers that use RTC Reset, hold the power button for 30 seconds.
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