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How To Login To The Embedded Web Service On The B2375dnf / B2375dfw Dell Laser Printer

Samenvatting: Logging into Embedded Web Service On The B2375dnf / B2375dfw Dell Laser Printer.

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Table of Contents:

  1. What Is The Embedded Web Service
  2. Access The Embedded Web Service
  3. Logging Into Embedded Web Service

This article provides information on "How To Login To The Embedded Web Service On The B2375dnf / B2375dfw Dell Laser Printer"

1. What Is The Embedded Web Service


If you have connected your machine to a network and set up TCP/IP network parameters correctly, you can manage the machine via Embedded Web Service. Use Embedded Web Service to:

  • View the machine’s device information and check its current status.
  • Change TCP/IP parameters and set up other network parameters.
  • Change the printer preference.
  • Set the email notifications advising of the machine’s status.
  • Get support for using the machine.
  • Upgrade machine software.

More info can be found in the B2375dnf User's Guide or the B2375dfw User's Guide .

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2. Access The Embedded Web Service

  1. Print a Printer Settings Page from the printer.
    • Press My Settings > Machine Setup > Reports > Printer Settings from the home screen.
    • Press Start on screen.
    • The Printer Settings page prints out.
  2. Open up a new Internet Browser window and type the printers IP address (listed on the printer settings report) into the address bar.

More info can be found in the B2375dnf User's Guide or the B2375dfw User's Guide .

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3. Logging Into Embedded Web Service


Before configuring options in Embedded Web Service, you need to Log in as an administrator. You can still use Embedded Web Service without Logging in but you won't have access to Settings tab and Security tab.

  1. Click Login on the upper right of the Embedded Web Service website.
  2. Type in the ID and Password then click Login.
    • ID: admin
    • Password: admin

More info can be found in the B2375dnf User's Guide or the B2375dfw User's Guide .

If these steps do not correct the problem, please contact Dell Technical Support.

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Getroffen producten

Dell B2375dfw Mono Multifunction Printer, Dell B2375dnf Mono Multifunction Printer
Artikelnummer: 000123967
Artikeltype: Solution
Laatst aangepast: 10 apr. 2021
Versie:  3
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